Pr & Enquiries

Important Information Before Getting in Touch

Before reaching out, please take a moment to review the following details to ensure a smooth and efficient communication process.

Address Verification

I recently moved houses, so it’s crucial to confirm my current address with me before sending anything. This will help avoid any misdeliveries.

Preferred Communication

Please use email for all inquiries instead of Instagram direct messages. This way, I can track my conversations more effectively and stay organized.

Response Time

While I aim to respond to inquiries as soon as possible, please allow me a few days to get back to you. My schedule includes a full-time job and personal commitments, so patience is appreciated.

Prioritizing Inquiries

Given the volume of inquiries I receive, I must focus on those of potential interest. If you haven’t heard back from me within 10 days, it likely means I’m not looking to progress with your inquiry at this time.

Feedback on Accepted Products

For products I accept, I’ll provide feedback through email, social media, or content I’ve created. Please avoid sending chaser emails. If you haven’t heard from me, it might be because I’m currently testing something else, working through my content schedule, or haven’t formed an opinion yet.

Testing and Evaluation

Many active skincare products take up to six weeks for proper testing. Please allow me time to evaluate products thoroughly.

Working with Brands

I work with brands in two primary ways: products gifted for consideration or sponsored collaborations. Please do not request reviews in exchange for products, as this falls under the CMA definition of “payment.”

Disclosure Policy

Any gifted products or sponsorships will be disclosed according to my usual policy. Past sponsored posts can provide an idea of how I handle disclosures. I don’t use terms like “partnered” or “collaboration.” Instead, I label posts as “paid advertisement” or “unpaid advertisement” according to CMA and ASA guidelines.

Specific Campaigns

If you’re working on a campaign with particular deadlines and deliverables, I cannot accept products as payment. Itโ€™s essential to maintain a professional and transparent working relationship.

PR Lists

If I’m on an automatic PR list, please send a quick email to confirm that I received the item. I’ll email any content to you featuring the product, but you can also keep an eye on social media tags for your brand or agency.

Complexion Makeup

Please check my shade match with me before sending any complexion makeup unless Iโ€™ve previously provided it to you.

Preventing Waste

Whenever possible, please ask before sending items to avoid waste, clutter, or duplicate products.

Mailing Address

If we haven’t communicated via email in the past three months, please double-check my mailing address with me before sending any products.

Ethical and Personal Choices

For ethical and personal reasons, I do not accept products from MLM or direct marketing beauty brands. Similarly, I donโ€™t accept beauty supplements, vitamins, or ingested pharmaceuticals.


Purchasing Images

If you would like to purchase images from me, please contact me directly via email.

All photos on my blog are taken by me unless otherwise noted. You cannot use my blog photos without my written permission, unless they feature your brand. If your brand is featured, feel free to use my images, but please give proper credit by linking or mentioning me. For other bloggers, please link back to my blog.

Media Kit and Rates

If you need my media kit or rates, feel free to request them via email.